About Hypnotherapy
Introduction to Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis is the hypnotic trance state and hypnotherapy is the application or therapy using the art of dialogue and effective techniques from a skilled hypnotherapy practitioner. Hypnosis is not something that is ‘done’ to you, it is more a state of mind that your therapist helps you to achieve in order for you both to access and reprogram you subconscious mind. In this altered state of consciousness you increase the ability to imagine and remember, to be creative and to respond to positive suggestion.
In the Hypnotic State, the doorway between the conscious and the subconscious is opened, memories become easily accessible, and new information is stored. In the Hypnotic State, you are not really “thinking” in the traditional sense. You are “experiencing” without questioning and without your conscious mind chattering away. You are able to focus clearly, rather like when you watch a movie.
Scientific evidence verifies that hypnosis is an effective technique that can promote and accelerate human change. At last, hypnosis is moving out of the realm of wizards, magicians and magic and into the clear light of modern science – exactly where it belongs.
Our training will teach you how to stimulate desired changes in behaviour and encourage mental and physical well-being. During our intensive workshops, great healing takes place as you learn how to guide yourself and others to lose weight, quit smoking, to improve self esteem and to be free of physical pain and mental anxiety.
How Does Hypnotherapy Work?
Through research, scientists have established that we have four brain wave patterns: the Alpha state, the Beta state, the Theta state, and the Delta state. These states of the brain are associated with different activities and activity levels. The alpha state is the relaxed or reflecting state, the beta state is the alert or working state, the theta state is the drowsy state, and the delta state is the sleeping, dreaming, and deep sleep state.
Hypnosis generally works by guiding the client to the alpha and theta states of mind where it can be susceptible to positive suggestions in order to change the self-limiting beliefs and habits that have been programmed into your subconscious mind by society, your environment and your personal history. This is an ideal condition to learn new information, keep and recall facts and analyse complex situations and of course embed in your mind your goals and desires.
Only when beliefs and habits are transformed can we easily overcome the obstacles that are holding us back from good health and wellbeing. Hypnosis is the process of doing just this. With hypnosis, you bypass the analytical part of your mind, namely the conscious mind, thus you are able to move forward within your subconscious mind by accepting positive beliefs and habits which eliminate old negative beliefs and habits.
In a nutshell this means that you can be guided into a deep hypnotic trance state of heightened suggestibility where hypnotic suggestion can change your beliefs at a level deep enough to directly influence your motions and behaviour.
Therefore, with a skilled hypnotherapy practitioner you can remove negative or unhealthy thought patterns and install or reinforce positive ones. You don’t know what you don’t know and every one of us has dreams and goals, but some of us never seem to reach them. Many people give up, believing it is impossible or that they are not capable.
The human mind is capable of much more than most of us would ever imagine. People fall short of their goals, but not because they are incapable. The problem is that most people were never taught to use their mind to truly empower themselves and to be in control of themselves as opposed to have other ‘things’ control them. Even for those that do have everything in perspective none of us have it all of the time, that’s just life. Be it in business or personally, every one of us can overcome obstacles which hold us back from reaching our goals.
Pump Up YOUR Subconscious Brain Power to get what you really want! It’s a fact that your subconscious mind is stronger than your willpower, so then why not work with it to create the changes that you want?
We will show you the way and you, in turn, will show others.
Why Does Hypotherapy Work?
Hypnotherapy is effective because it doesn’t rely on conscious willpower. Willpower and focus usually fade away after an initial burst of motivation, which is why affirmations and positive thinking go by the wayside. Without changing what is going on in your subconscious mind, it’s difficult to make a lasting positive change in your daily life, no matter how many self-help books or “how to” articles you read.
What Does Hypnotherapy Feel Like?
At the very least it is a feeling of wonderful relaxation mentally, physically and emotionally. It might be hard for you to imagine because with the guiding of your mind and body to a dreamlike state you also find yourself with a heightened awareness on an inner and external level, this in itself is a very healing state.
Sometimes you will hear every word the hypnotherapist says and other times their voice fades in and out or becomes completely inaudible but that is not important, you are relaxed enough to work on personal issues, such as: diet, sleep, stress, smoking, weight, performance, exam anxiety, family problems, love and business relationships. Most people find this as a personal and profound inner experience.
What hypnotherapy does is bring out the best in you, allowing you to leave behind any habits or emotional baggage that is limiting your potential, leaving you to become a healthier, happier and stronger person as you uncover hidden qualities within yourself.
Hypnotherapy can take effect immediately. Clients often experience profound change over the course of several treatments and are equipped with tools such as self-hypnosis that they can utilise and access for the rest of their lives.
Dr Milton Erickson, a leading American Hypnotherapist, described the clinical hypnosis process as “a free period in which individuality can flourish”.
Emile Coué, the 19th century French professor and master hypnotist said “we possess within us a marvellous force of incalculable power, which gives us mastery over ourselves and others.
Hypnotherapy has been referred to as guided meditation but at a deeper level. One 50 minute session is the equivalent of 3 hours of deep, relaxing sleep. Other issues helped with this safe process include phobias and fears, such as flying, agoraphobia, acrophobia, fear of drowning, going to social events, eating and sleep disorders. This process also helps with stopping out of control behaviour and recurring patterns. While in this positive state of relaxation many issues can be helped, outmoded thought patterns can be changed to suit who you really are and want to become. After all a person who smokes was not born a smoker, that person is a non smoker and needs to find the thought patterns to match, which in turn will reverse the habit.
No one can make you do anything you do not want to do, but a good Hypnotherapy practitioner can help you to accomplish that which you desire. Your subconscious mind is always monitoring, and looking out for you, and it won’t allow you to do anything that goes against you. So sit back, relax and allow hypnosis to guide you to true positive change. It’s really that easy.
Can Everyone be Hypnotised?
Any one can be hypnotised however some more easily than others. Some people will achieve a deep trance state in the first session although it is not always necessary, as even in a light trance hypnosis can bring about change to conditions that are effecting you in a negative way either mentally or physically.
Sometimes it may take a couple of visits to build up a rapport and for you to feel comfortable and this is a valid process as you learn, relax and build trust with the therapist.
Some people will say that they “cannot be hypnotised” and that they are “too strong minded” but when that strong minded person decides to have hypnotherapy and use that mind for their betterment they are excellent candidates for hypnosis. It comes down to the person’s motivation, their willingness, and their ability to concentrate.
Why be a Clinical Hypnotherapist?