Down Through Consciousness

Spoken to the Hypnotist

I often use this as a preliminary to regression/analytical work, after a ‘standard’ induction. The ‘secrets room’ can probably be used for recovering lost/hidden items, though I have never tried it.And now you’re so wonderfully relaxed, nobody wanting anything, nobody expecting anything, and absolutely nothing whatsoever for you to do but to relax… I want you to imagine that you’re just an observer of your own mind… drifting slowly down through your levels of consciousness… in the upper level at first… the part that deals with the hurly burly of every day life… where decisions have to be made and the full meaning of things has to be considered and taken into account…. It’s like the sale floor of a busy department store… crowded full with shoppers and staff…

And you’re just an observer, quietly, softly, drifting down… lower and lower… and lower… still in the subconscious mind, not yet in the subconscious… down to the level where things are half heard, half remembered… partly realized… the part where things are formed before they really begins to take shape… this is like a lower floor of that same store… the floor, perhaps, where everything is unpacked and made ready for sale…

And you just carry on, drifting deeper and deeper down…lower and lower… down now into the upper reaches of the subconscious… this is the part of your mind that colors your thoughts… that makes you like some things and dislike others… the part where sudden ideas and inspirations spring from… sometimes catching you almost by surprise… the floor where all that store’s stock is kept.

And you just drift lower and lower… softly, gently, down and down… to the lower levels of your subconscious… as far down as you can go… to the part of your mind that governs how you see the world… this is the floor that’s the most important of all… where accounts are kept and campaigns are decided… and judgments are made.

This is the part of your mind that controls how you feel… it’s the birthplace of feelings like pride and anger… pleasure and envy… happiness and pain… and all the other emotions that make you into the sort of person you are… this is also where secret memories from a long time ago are stored… memories that are sometimes so secret that even you have no conscious knowledge of them… but even without that conscious awareness, they can colour your judgement and affect your feelings… sometimes benign… but often causing all sorts of problems…

Now I want you, if you will, to use your imagination even more powerfully… I want you to imagine yourself at the end of a long corridor… sweeping away in front of you in a long gentle curve… so that you can’t actually see the end of it… but you know instinctively that it’s completely empty… that there’s nobody here but you… and as you move along it, you see that there are doors set in the walls at intervals… doors to different parts of your mind… and eventually… eventually… you find yourself outside a door with the legend: ‘Secrets’ inscribed boldly upon it… you can see that it’s locked, with a large key… and you realise that this is the room where your secret memories are kept…

This is the room where your secret memories are kept… things that have been locked up here by your subconscious mind because they once upset you in some way… things that hurt you… things perhaps that frightened you so badly you simply couldn’t bear it… and maybe some things that you simply found so uncomfortable you had to turn away from them… they’re all memories from a very long time ago… and they can’t hurt you now… but your subconscious doesn’t know this… and it continues to take responsibility for protecting you from them… and that responsibility weighs heavily in your subconscious… and because your subconscious governs how you feel from day to day… that weight affects you consciously.

But these memories are nothing more than thoughts now… they can’t hurt you any more…and your subconscious can simply let them go… so you just turn the key in the lock and slightly open the door… just leaving it ajar… and you’ll find, over the next few days that you’ll begin to recall some of these old memories from the past… some during dreams… some while you’re awake… some of them perhaps just popping into your head when you least expect it… and for every memory you recall, you’ll find yourself feeling just bit lighter, just that bit happier… just that bit more able to get on with today’s task of living….



© 2000 Terence Watt
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Disclaimer: This script was not written by Career Accelerators. All scripts in this collection have been sourced from various free sites on the Internet, and reprinted here for your convenience. Every effort has been made to ensure that all scripts in this archive belong to the Public Domain. You are free to read, download and use these scripts with your clients. If you wish to print them you must be sure to include their copyright notices. No copyright infringement is intended. If you believe that a script has been published here in error, or if you are the author of a script and would like it removed, please contact us.